oskar painter optomechanics

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132. We investigate the dynamical localization . The measured optical quality factor is Q = 1.2×10^6 for a cavity with an effective modal volume of V_(eff) = 0.04(λ)^3. Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system. Oskar Painter. The improvement demonstrated here is particularly meaningful for applications in cavity optomechanics, as it places the optimized devices in the resolved sideband regime where the mechanical resonance frequency, ω m /2π ∼ 2-3 GHz for the microdisks studied here, exceeds the cavity optical energy decay rate, κ/2π ∼ 0.6 GHz for the high . . School of Engineering and Applied Sciences . Max Ludwig, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Oskar Painter, and Florian Marquardt Phys. The regime of single-photon strong coupling is reached when the optical shift induced by a single phonon becomes comparable to the cavity linewidth. (b) Photonic and (c) phononic band structure of a silicon planar snowflake crystal with (d, r, w, a) = (220, 200, 75, 500) nm.Photonic band structures are computed with the MPB [] mode solver, and phononic band structures are computed with the comsol [] finite-element method (FEM) solver.In the photonic band structure, only the fundamental even-parity . This basic concept of coupling optical and mechanical structures and investigating their interaction always appealed to me, so even though I never studied it in any detail, I . The regime of single-photon strong coupling is reached when the optical shift induced by a single phonon becomes comparable to the cavity linewidth. Kerry Vahala, Ivan Grudinin, Oskar Painter, Hansuek Lee, M Herrmann, S Knünz, V Batteiger, G Saathoff, T W Hänsch, and Th Udem LW2J.4 Laser Science (LS) 2012 Cavity Optomechanics: Mechanical Cooling to Phonon Lasers As well as probing micromechanical motion, light can also. After a PostDoc at ETH he became an IQIM Postdoctoral Scholar and a senior staff scientist in the Painter group at the California Institute of Technology. The dynamic back-action caused by electromagnetic forces (radiation pressure) in optical and microwave cavities is of growing interest. Slot-mode-coupled optomechanical crystals Marcelo Davanc¸o,1,2,∗ Jasper Chan,2 Amir H. Safavi-Naeini,2 Oskar Painter,2 and Kartik Srinivasan1 1Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6203, USA 2Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Optomechanics is the use of laser light to control the motion of mechanical vibrations, usually micrometre- or nanometre-scale resonators. In cavity optomechanics, nanomechanical motion couples to a localized optical mode. 5.2K papers, 142.1K citations. Here we design and fabricate a silicon optomechanical circuit with both optical and mechanical connectivity between two . Publication Date. More. Oskar Painter 0D10BM c. THIS PAGE The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Abstract: Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but . Physical Review Letters, 109(6):063601, August 2012. Lett. 粤B2-20090191-18 工业和信息化部备案管理系统网站 浙公网安备 33010902002564号 Oskar Painter Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of. 182. G7.00001: Quantum aspects of cavity optomechanics with atomic ensembles and ensemble arrays Invited Speaker: Dan Stamper-Kurn Preview Abstract: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:30AM - 9:00AM: G7.00002: Optomechanical crystals Invited Speaker: Oskar Painter Preview Abstract: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:00AM - 9:30AM Article(s) from CaltechAUTHORS. 网易公司版权所有©1997-2022 杭州乐读科技有限公司运营: 浙网文[2021] 1186-054号. Oskar Painter is a Canadian born (1972) experimental physicist who works on nanoscale optics, nanomechanical devices, and superconducting qubits. 91. Figure 1 (a) Snowflake crystal unit cell. Publisher. Nanophotonics, quantum optics, and optomechanics for applications in precision measurement and quantum information science (Dr. Oskar Painter) Nanostructure fabrication for opto-electronic, magneto-optic and electronic devices ( Dr. Axel Scherer ) Place and Time: Tu 14:30-16:00, Th 14:30-16:00, 104 Watson. A ke … Related Topics (5) Electromagnetically induced transparency. . List of Research Areas 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2011.CThJ4. In Research Topics. List of Research Areas nanophotonics, quantum optics, superconducting quantum circuits, quantum information science APh News about Oskar J. Painter Oskar Painter (Caltech) Oskar J. Painter, Ph.D. - Publications . For an engineered silicon optomechanical crystal nanocavity supporting a 4-GHz localized phonon mode, optical signals in a 1.5 MHz bandwidth are coherently converted over a 11.2 THz frequency span between one cavity mode at wavelength 1,460 nm and a second cavity mode at 1,545 nm with a 93% internal (2% external) peak efficiency. William Hease (University Paris Diderot-Paris7), Johannes Majer (TU Wien), Oskar Painter (Caltech), Jean-Michel Raimond (ENS Paris . "Cavity-optomechanics" aims to study the quantum properties of mechanical systems. A common strategy implemented in order to achieve this goal couples a high finesse photonic cavity to a high quality factor mechanical resonator. DOI. Coupled nano-optomechanical cavities for enhancing nonlinear optomechanics Roel Burgwal and Ewold Verhagen Author Information . A chip-scale integrated cavity-electro-optomechanics platform. Meet OSA's 2021 Fellows. Advisor: Oskar Painter Thesis: Cavity Optomechanics for Hybrid Quantum Systems. Back-action cooling, for example, is being pursued as a means of achieving the quantum ground state of macroscopic mechanical oscillators. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Oskar Painter In this work, we combine the large per-photon optical gradient force with the sensitive feedback of a high quality factor whispering-gallery microcavity. External Link to Paper. Painter. Optical transduction of the thermal motion of the fundamental in-plane . Quantum optics and optomechanics. Ren, Hengjiang; Shah . Oskar J. Painter, Ph.D. - Publications . It is a cross field of optics, quantum optics, solid-state physics and materials science.The motivation for research on cavity optomechanics comes from fundamental effects of quantum theory and gravity, as well as technological applications. 21 papers, 2.9K citations. In this plenary talk at SPIE Optics + Photonics, Oskar Painter describes these advances and discusses his work to realize radiation pressure within nanoscale structures in the form of coupled photonic and phononic crystals (dubbed optomechanical crystals). | Find, read and cite all the research . Light is a powerful tool for controlling mechanical motion, as shown by numerous applications in the field of cavity optomechanics. . RAPID COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 011803(R) (2014) Silicon optomechanical crystal resonator at millikelvin temperatures Sean M. Meenehan,´ 1Justin D. Cohen, Simon Groblacher,¨ 1,2 Jeff T. Hill, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Markus Aspelmeyer,2 and Oskar Painter1,* 1Institute for Quantum Information and Matter and Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, Author Affiliations. These interactions, notes Oskar Painter, associate professor of applied physics at Caltech, and the principal investigator on the research, are the largest demonstrated to date. 10.1103 . Oskar Painter, Florian Marquardt. Abstract: J31.00012: Effect of Laser Illumination on Niobium Transmon Qubits for Quantum Transduction. Armeen Taeb Advisor: Venkat Chandrasekaran Thesis: Latent-Variable Modeling: Algorithms, Inference, and Applications Masters of Science Graduates. Affiliations: 2001 : . 歌手:Oskar Karlweis And Liane Haid。 服务条款 | 隐私政策 | 儿童隐私政策 | 版权投诉 | 投资者关系 | 广告合作 | 廉正举报 | 联系我们. 109, 063601 - Published 7 August 2012. Rev. California Institute of Technology . This provides a powerful method for optically actuating microwave-frequency mechanical oscillators on a chip, and we demonstrate an on-chip phonon laser that emits over 1012 microwave-frequency phonons per second with a ratio of frequency to linewidth of 2 million—characteristics similar to those of the first optical lasers. This highly interdisciplinary field studies the interaction between micro- and nanomechanical systems and light. Dissertation: \Cavity Optomechanics with High-Stress Silicon Nitride Films" Advisor: H. Je Kimble Committee: Oskar Painter, Keith Schwab, and Yanbei Chen University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA USA Overall GPA: 3.73/4.00 B.A., Physics (2005) Honors Thesis: \Polarization Pulse Shaping to Control Li 2 Wave Packets" Advisor: Stephen R . In cavity optomechanics, nanomechanical motion couples to a localized optical mode. Lett. Work in the optical domain has revolved around millimeter- or micrometer-scale structures using the radiation pressure force. Related Topics. Recently, small scale optomechanical circuits, connecting a few optical and mechanical modes, have been demonstrated in an ongoing push towards multi-mode on-chip optom … About this book. Florian Marquardt. "A Quantum Experiment,"is an animated film by Jorge Cham of PhD Comics fame, describing some of the recent work in the Painter Lab on quantum cavity-optomechanics (starring cartoon versions of Amir Safavi-Naeini and OJP). Quantum Localization of Vibrational Mirror in Cavity Optomechanics. Authors: Hengjiang Ren, Tirth Shah, Hannes Pfeifer, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt, Oskar Painter. In optomechanics, radiation-pressure-induced parametric coupling between optical (photon) and mechanical (phonon) excitations may be used to break time-reversal symmetry, providing the prerequisite for synthetic magnetism. Journal Article Oskar Painter, Jeff Kimble, Keith Schwab, Rana Adhikari, Yanbei Chen, Kerry Vahala, and Andrei Faraon . Tunable 2D Photonic Crystal Cavities for Cavity Electro-Optomechanics. Alexander G. Krause, Martin Winger, Tim D. Blasius & Oskar Painter. The regime of single-photon strong coupling is reached when the optical shift induced by a single phonon becomes . Over the lifetime, 1806 publication(s) have been published within this topic receiving 48316 citation(s). Proceedings Paper; More Publications. Keller AJ, Asenjo-Garcia A, Chang DE, Painter O. Cavity quantum electrodynamics with atom-like mirrors. Quantum optomechanics, Groeblacher lab. Oskar Painter View For a GHz range mechanical mode [43,44] the required length will be on the order of 0.1 m to realize evenly spaced optical modes within a low dispersion region of the guided . 1(a), forming the "mirror" region, to the defect unit cell of Fig. Download PDF. Led by Professor Oskar Painter, research within the QPG focuses on several inter-related topics — superconducting quantum circuits for quantum information processing and quantum simulation, the quantum physics of mesoscopic mechanical objects, hybrid superconducting and acoustic quantum circuits, and precision optomechanical sensors. PMID 31092923 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019 . 01/09 - 11/14 Research Assistant, Caltech, Pasadena, California Optomechanics with photonic crystals, atomic ensembles, and superconduc ng quantum circuits. Professor Oskar Painter's research interests are in nanophotonics, quantum optics, and optomechanics for applications in precision measurement and quantum information science. Publisher: American Physical Society. nano-optics quantum optics cavity optomechanics superconducting quantum circuits. Keller AJ, Asenjo-Garcia A, Chang DE, Painter O. Cavity quantum electrodynamics with atom-like mirrors. Cavity Quantum Electrooptics and Optomechanics. 1(b). Hengjiang Ren, 1 Tirth Shah, 2, 3 Hannes Pfeifer, 2 Christian Brendel, 2 Vittorio Peano, 2 Florian Marquardt, 2 and Oskar Painter 1, 4, * 1 Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, and Kavli Nanoscience Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA . Since 2019, he is also Head of Quantum Hardware at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Measurement of the quantum zero-point motion of a nanomechanical resonator. In cavity optomechanics, nanomechanical motion couples to a localized optical mode. . Quantum optics and optomechanics Oskar Painter, Jeff Kimble, Keith Schwab, Rana Adhikari, Yanbei Chen, Kerry Vahala, and Andrei Faraon California Institute of Technology 3/27/2014 Quantum optics and optomechanics optomechanical crystals LIGO mirror 740nm AMO: "Alligator" nanophotonic waveguide quantum electro-mechanics Quantum Optomechanics Hengjiang Ren,1 Gregory S. MacCabe,1 Jie Luo,1 Hannes Pfeifer,2 Andrew J. Keller,1 and Oskar Painter1; . P.I: Prof. Oskar Painter & Prof. Jeff H. Kimble 06/07 - 01/09 Ph.D. Slot-mode-coupled optomechanical crystals Marcelo Davanc¸o,∗1;2 Jasper Chan,2 Amir H. Safavi-Naeini,2 Oskar Painter,2 and Kartik Srinivasan1 1Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6203, USA 2Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Os­kar Painter (left) with Atac Im­amo­glu Date 25 Septem­ber 2013 Host Atac Im­amo­glu Title Quantum Back- Action in Re­cent Cavity- Optomechanics Ex­per­i­ments Ab­stract Quantum lim­its to pre­ci­sion meas­ure­ment of an ob­ject's dis­place­ment, and cor­res­pond­ingly the forces act­ing on the ob­ject, have been well stud­ied since the 1970's. At the same time, microfabrication techniques have enabled small-scale optomechanical circuits capable of on-chip manipulation of . Quantum Optomechanics by Oskar Painter. Rev. OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper STu2H.3 • https://doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_SI.2021.STu2H.3 Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system Hengjiang Ren, Tirth Shah, Hannes Pfeifer, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt, and Oskar Painter Author Information Find other works by these authors Oskar Painter. 266 Watson, x8008. Home; People; Groups; Recent; Samples; JavaScript; Widgets; Painter, Oskar Jon (orcid 0000-0002-1581-9209). PMID 31092923 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019 . F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, and O. Painter, Pulsed Excitation Dynamics of an Optomechanical Crystal Resonator near Its Quantum Ground State of Motion, Physical Review X5, 041002 (2015). Course Syllabus, Policies, and Schedule: Nature. Optomechanics is a(n) research topic. Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of mechanical objects down to the level of individual quanta of vibrations (phonons). Send comments Attosecond. John G. Braun Professor of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology. 25,629 199 172 97 Research.com Recognitions Awards & Achievements 2021 - OSA Fellows Oskar Painter California Institute of Technology, USA For pioneering contributions to integrated quantum-optical and optomechanical devices and application to quantum information systems Top Publications Two-Dimensional Photonic Band-Gap Defect Mode Laser Martin Winger, Jeff T. Hill, Qiang Lin, Darrick Chang, and Oskar Painter Department of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. AMO: "Alligator" nanophotonic waveguide . ABSTRACT. An optomechanical cavity can be formed by transitioning from the nominal unit cell in Fig. 3:00 PM-6:00 PM, Tuesday, March 16, 2021. . Recent technical developments in the fields of quantum electromechanics and optomechanics have spawned nanoscale mechanical transducers with the sensitivity to measure mechanical displacements at the femtometre scale and the ability to convert electromagnetic signals at the single photon level. (arXiv:1108.4680v1 [quant-ph]) from quant-ph - arXiv by Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Jasper Chan, Jeff T. Hill, T. P. Mayer Alegre, Alex Krause, Oskar Painter We present optical sideband spectroscopy measurements of a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator cooled near its quantum ground state. . . During the last few years cavity-optomechanics has emerged as a new field of research. DOI: 10.1063 . Oskar Painter, and Florian Marquardt Enhanced Quantum Nonlinearities in a Two-Mode Optomechanical System. 97. Researcher and Lecturer, Caltech, Pasadena, California OPTOMECHANICS Nano-acoustic resonator with ultralong phonon lifetime Gregory S. MacCabe1,2,3*, Hengjiang Ren 1,2*, Jie Luo1,2†, Justin D. Cohen ‡, Hengyun Zhou1,2§, Alp Sipahigil 1,2, Mohammad Mirhosseini , Oskar Painter1,2,3# The energy damping time in a mechanical resonator is critical to many precision metrology applications, This cavity can be parameterized by the maximum change in a (defined as d maxf1 a=a nominalg), the number of holes in the defect region, the maximum curvature of a=a . Oskar Painter. quantum electro-mechanics He is the John G. Braun Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics at Caltech. DOI. "United States Patent US20180113373A1 Doubly-resonant electro-optic conversion using a superconducting microwave resonator", Leland Stanford Junior University, Oct 23, 2017 Oskar Painter, Martin WINGER, Qiang Lin, Amir SAFAVI-NAEINI, Thiago ALEGRE, Timothy Dobson BLASIUS, Alexander Grey KRAUSE. Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of mechanical objects down to the level of individual quanta of vibrations (phonons). Possible applications range from novel high-bandwidth mechanical sensing devices through the generation of squeezed optical or . Winger, M. et al. At the same time, microfabrication techniques have enabled small-scale optomechanical circuits capable of on-chip manipulation of . DOI: 10.1063 . Cavity optomechanics is a branch of physics which focuses on the interaction between light and mechanical objects on low-energy scales. optomechanical crystals LIGO mirror . 740nm . Phys. Session J31: Hybrid Quantum Systems II - Optomechanics. 4.7K papers, 125 . May, 2011. August, 2012. 626-395-2132 cjenstad@caltech.edu Research Group Website »Personal Website » Research Overview Professor Oskar Painter's research interests are in nanophotonics, quantum optics, and optomechanics for applications in precision measurement and quantum information science. Oskar Painter The mechanical properties of light have found widespread use in the manipulation of gas-phase atoms and ions, helping create new states of matter and realize complex quantum. Publication Date. Affiliations: 2001 : . 97. Network Information. We demonstrate an ultrahigh-Q slotted two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity capable of obtaining strong interaction between the internal light field and the mechanical motion of the slotted structure. Congratulations to the 118 members of the 2021 class of OSA Fellow Members, who will be recognized at OSA conferences throughout the year for scientific, engineering and technological contributions, as well as industry leadership and service to OSA and the global . 3/27/2014 . To date, most experimental studies of optomechanics have focused on measurement and control of the mechanical subsystem through its interaction with optics, and have led Painter O. Optomechanics in an ultrahigh- Q two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity Applied Physics Letters. Sponsoring Unit: DQI Chair: Gerwin Koolstra, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Shuqing Chen Advisor: Michelle Effros Changsoon Choi Using optical techniques, we are studying the quantum mechanical properties of nanomechanical structures. . Publisher. Painter O. Optomechanics in an ultrahigh- Q two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity Applied Physics Letters. Meredith Smith, Kari Apter and Samantha Hornback. PDF | We develop the theory of motional sidebands in slowly-modulated optomechanics which can explain the cavity output in a hybrid electro-optical trap. . Instructor: Oskar Painter, Rm. Verified email at caltech.edu - Homepage. . 61. i10-index. Nature. . Recently, cavity-optomechanics becomes an extensive research field that has manipulated the mechanical effects of light for coupling of the optical field with other physical objects specifically with regards to dynamical localization. Cavity Optomechanics (Oskar Painter, Caltech/Erlangen) Oskar Painter gave lectures on cavity optomechanics in which optical cavities are coupled to mechanical oscillators. 2 Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light . Then, using feedback forces such as radiation pressure, one can cool the mechanical mode of interest . Affiliation 1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universität Erlangen . 93% related.

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oskar painter optomechanics