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The DD1278 must be issued no earlier than 90 days prior to the scheduled date of travel overseas; and a Date Estimated Return from Overseas (DEROS) letter from the USCs command. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. AQI updates from U.S. Embassy Jakarta air quality monitor is now available. (2)The loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia by a mother also affects her children who have no legal family relationship with their father, except if with the loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia these children become stateless. (1)Aliens born and domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia whose father or mother, in case they have no legal family relationship with the father, is also born in the territory of the Republic in Indonesia and is a resident of the Republic of Indonesia, may present a petition to the Minister of Justice in order to acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia if they, after having acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, have no other nationality or at the time that they present a petition they also make a statement as to having released another nationality which they may possibly possess, in accordance with the legal provisions prevailing in the country of their origin or according to the provisions of the Agreement on the settlement of the bi-nationality between the Republic of Indonesia and the country in question. A U.S. citizen who holds other citizenship may generally retain U.S. citizenship. A conditional permanent resident is also eligible for 319(b) if all of the above requirements are met. (3)Petitions for naturalization shall be forwarded in writing and provide with a stamp to the Minister of Justice through the Pengadilan Negeri as the residence of the petitioner; The petition shall be written in the Indonesian language and together with this petition shall be forwarded evidence on matters mentioned in para 2 except for what is stated under letter d. The Pengadilan Negeri or Representation of the Republic of Indonesia investigates the evidence as to its correctness and examines the petitioners as to their capability of mastering the Indonesian language and their knowledge of the history of Indonesia. Here they are: You can send all those documents to the Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia). For citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who have not reached the age of 18 yet, except if they are married, the five and two years' period mentioned above is applicable as of the date that he reaches the age of 18. Foreigners are only eligible to apply for Indonesian citizenship, provided that they are willing to renounce their current citizenship. (9)If the petition for naturalization is rejected, the petitioner may send in a repeat petition. Such statement shall be made within 1 year after the marriage has been dissolved to the Pengadilan Negeri or Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at the residence of the person. [emailprotected] Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. (1)A woman, a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, married to a foreigner looses her citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, if and when she makes a statement as to that effect within one year after her marriage has been contracted except if, with the loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, she becomes stateless. The spouse must file an Application for Naturalization (N-400) by mail to the USCIS Service Center with jurisdiction over the USCIS District Office of Suboffice where the spouse wishes to be interviewed and naturalized (filing addresses can be found in N-400 instructions). Said statement shall be made within 1 year after the marriage has been dissolved to the Pengadilan Negeri or the Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at her residence. Air travel, and all travel to other destinations, still requires a passport book. (1)If the children as mentioned in article 2 and article 13 reach the age of 21, they loose the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia again, if and when they make a statement as to that effect. (1)A person who because or as a result of marriage looses the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, regains said citizenship if and when after the marriage has been dissolved the person makes a statement as to that effect. In addition, A Guide to Naturalization (M-476 PDF 1MB) provides information on the benefits and responsibilities of citizenship, an overview of the naturalization process, and eligibility requirements. (2)The above mentioned petition shall be presented, within 1 year after the persons concerned have reached the age of 18, to the Minister of Justice through the Pengadilan Negeri at their residence. (1)The loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia by a father also affects his children who have a legal family relationship with said father, who have not reached the age of 18 and are not married yet, except if, with their loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, these children become stateless. (2)The citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia acquired by a mother also applies to her children who have no legal family relationship with the father, who have not reached the age of 18 and are not married yet after they have resided and are in Indonesia. (2)The stipulation in para 1 is not applicable if said person becomes stateless with the loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. Ambassador Sung Kim Presents Credentials To President Jokowi. The term expeditious refers to the fact that a spouse eligible under INA 319(b) is not required to satisfy the normal continuous U.S. three-year residency requirement generally applicable to the spouse of a USC. utility bills, electricity, bills, credit card statements; Evidence of joint equity, i.e. To learn the whereabouts of domestic USCIS offices, please visit USCIS Service and Office Locator. U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call +62 21 5083 9445, Outside of Office Hours, contact: +62 21 5083 1000 ext. After sending the application, you must wait for about 3 months. Cameras are allowed and guests are welcome to the oath ceremony. So, if you are registered as a citizen of any other nationality, you need to prepare yourself to release your former citizenship. The spouse will notify USCIS of any changes, such as cancellation of the USCs employment abroad or if s/he is unable to reside overseas because the USC is employed abroad in an area of hostilities where dependents may not reside. Before you apply for the Indonesia citizenship, make sure you have met these requirements: If you are getting married to an Indonesian, you just have to qualify for the requirements number 2, 5, and 9. A child born to at least one Indonesian parent automatically obtains Indonesian citizenship by descent. (1)A foreign child of less than 5 years age who is adopted by a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, if such an adoption is declared legal by the Pengadilan Negeri at the residence of the person adopting the child. Because the average 319(b) processing time is 4 6 months, it is recommended that the length of the USCs employment be 16 18 months from the date the 319(b) application is filed, to have the required12 months overseas remaining at the time of expeditious naturalization. The USC is employed by either: (1) the U.S. Government; (2) an American institution of research recognized as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security; (3) an American firm or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the U.S., or a subsidiary thereof; (4) a public international organization in which the U.S. participates by treaty or statute; (5) a religious denomination having a bona fide organization within the U.S. in which the USC is authorized to perform ministerial or priestly functions; or (6) a religious denomination or interdenominational mission organization having a bona fide organization within the U.S. in which the USC is engaged solely as a missionary. For more information, please see Travel.State.Gov. If applying from the U.S., the spouse will receive an official notice to go to a USCIS facility to have fingerprints taken after applying. (2)The provision of para 1 does not apply in case the person, after having regained the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, still possesses another nationality. Evidence of transportation arrangements to the new duty station. (2)With the exception as mentioned in para 1 the foreign woman who marries a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia also acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia one year after the marriage has been contracted, if within that one year her husband does not make a statement as to release his citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. 0 (operator), New U.S. Section 319(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (INA) and Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR) 319.2 permit the foreign spouse of a U.S. citizen (USC) employed in certain capacities overseas to be expeditiously naturalized. bank accounts, insurance policies, stocks. If the interview is successful, the oath ceremony, at which time the spouse is naturalized, will follow. Jakarta Selatan 12760, Indonesia, +62 21 2279 2254 The application must be approved by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. U.S. law does not prohibit dual nationality, but an American may jeopardize his/her U.S. citizenship by performing an expatriating act. (2)In order to present a petition for naturalization, the petitioner shall: born within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia or at the time of presenting the petition be domiciled in said region for at least the last 5 consecutive years or in total 10 inconsecutive years; c.-if the person is a married man obtain the approval of his wife (wives); d.master the Indonesian language properly and have appropriate knowledge of the history of Indonesia and have never been penalize because of having committed an offence which harms the Republic of Indonesia; in a spiritual and physical healthy condition; to the State's Treasury an amount between Rp.500,-to Rp.10.000,- of which the amount is fixed by the Tax office at the residence of the petitioner, based on the evident petitioner's monthly earnings, with the stipulation that it may not exceed the evident earnings for one month; h.have no nationality, or have lost his nationality if the petitioner acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia or states at the time to have released another nationality according to the legal provisions of the country of origin or according to the legal provisions of the Agreement on the settlement of the bi-nationality between the Republic of Indonesia and the country concerned. (4)The citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia which has been acquired on such a petition is valid as of the date of the decree of the Minister of Justice. A written statement from the applicant stating that the applicant will be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, and Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia year 1945. (2)The loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia by a husband affects automatically his wife, except if the wife will become stateless. (1)A woman is during matrimony not permitted to present a petition as meant in article 3 and article 4. (3)The Minister of Justice fulfils or rejects the petition with the approval of the Cabinet Council. (2)The loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia by a wife affects automatically her husband, except if the husband will become stateless. (2)Said declaration of legality by the Pengadilan Negeri shall be requested by the person adopting the child within 1 year after such an adoption or within 1 year after enforcement of this law. However, the spouse can request expedited processing which usually takes 2 weeks and also requires an additional fee. (5)The decree of the Minister of Justice which grants naturalization is valid as of the date that the petitioner takes an oath or swear allegiance before the Pengadilan Negeri or Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at the residence of the petitioner and is valid retroactively the date of said decree of the Minister of Justice. The oath or allegiance swearing is as follows: "I swear (promise): "that I release entirely all loyalty "to foreign authority; "that I recognize and accept the highest authority "of and shall be loyal to "the Republic of Indonesia; "that I shall uphold the Constitution and other laws of "the Republic of Indonesia and "shall defend them faithfully; "that I bear this duty out of my own free will "and shall not diminish whatsoever". Americans may apply for a credit card sized, laminated passport card for land and water travel between the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or the Caribbean, and for use as a convenient identity card. (2)The above mentioned petition shall be presented within 1 year after the person concerned has reached the age of 18 to the Minister of Justice through the Pengadilan Negeri or Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at the residence of the person. It usually takes 2 weeks to receive the passport. The spouse may request alternate locations and dates. A working foreigner may file an application for citizenship, prior to which the foreigner must have stayed in Indonesia for a minimum period of 5 years continuously or 10 years not continuously, while contributing to the Indonesian economy. If the USC is already employed abroad, the employment must continue for at least 12 months. 12 of 2006 regarding citizenship. Ius soli in Indonesia applied for these reasons: Those are some requirements and steps that you need to know on how to get Indonesian citizenship. Find the closest American Space in Indonesia where you can connect with the U.S. To nurture a regional network and strengthen leadership skills among ASEAN youth, Indonesian youth are invited to register and be part of YSEALI. If said citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia is acquired with the naturalization by a mother who has become a widow because of the decease of her husband, the children who have a legal family relationship with said husband, who have not reached the age of 18 and are not married yet also acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia after they reside and are in Indonesia. Please see Passport Services and Information for general information before proceeding. Please go to USCIS website for further information. If you are accepted as the Indonesian citizen, you must be sworn. Applicants already serving overseas may request an interview date to coincide with scheduled R&R travel, but 319(b) is generally scheduled in accordance with USCIS, not the applicants, schedule. Only properly documented U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals may obtain U.S. passports. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. After taking the Oath of Allegiance, the applicant receives a Certificate of Naturalization (N-570) to prove that s/he is now a U.S. citizen. Average processing time is 4 6 months, but may take longer. However, Indonesia also applies restricted ius soli (determining nationality by the place where a person was born) based on the Law No. Getting citizenship in a country youre not born in is considered a difficult thing to do. 113 of 1958. You are able to speak Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian language, You acknowledge Pancasila and Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Year 1945, You have a fixed income, or you are employed to a job, The legalized photocopy of the birth certificate which has been translated into Indonesian, Pictures of the passport of the applicant, Photocopy of SKTT or KTP OA that have been legalized, Legalized photocopy of the marriage certificate/marriage book, A letter from the Immigration office stating that you have stayed for 5 consecutive years or 10 non-consecutive years in Indonesia, The Police Certificate of Good Conduct (SKCK) from the police region office (POLDA), The letter from the applicants country embassy stating that the applicant will release its former citizenship after gaining Indonesian citizenship. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to Indonesia. Deputy Chief of Mission Michael F. Kleine, Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), U.S. and Indonesia Launch Garuda Canti Dharma 2022 Peacekeeping Exercise, Secretary Blinkens Travel to Bali and Bangkok, Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change, the United States Partners with Indonesian Companies to Promote Sustainable Business Practices, U.S., Indonesian Air Forces to Conduct Cope West 22 Exercise, U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit: New Era in U.S.-ASEAN Relations, Deputy Secretary Shermans Call with Indonesian Foreign Minister Marsudi, FACT SHEET: Indo-Pacific Strategy of the UnitedStates, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinkens visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi Before Their Meeting, Ambassador Kims Independence Day Celebration Remarks, World Press Freedom Day 2022: State of World Press Freedom, Secretary Antony J. Blinken on Russias Threat to Peace and Security at the UN Security Council, Joint Statement Between the United States, Belize, Germany, Indonesia, and Senegal on the Announcement of the Second Global COVID-19 Summit, The United States Will Host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) in 2023, Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.s Meeting with President Joko Widodo of Indonesia, President Biden Announces New Initiatives to Expand the U.S.-ASEAN Strategic Partnership, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence Visits Indonesia, U.S. Littoral Combat Ship, USS Coronado Makes Port Visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, Celebration of the 241st Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, Jakarta, Ambassador Kim Visits Riau Islands to Strengthen Economic and Security Cooperation, Construction of the New U.S. Consulate Compound in Medan Strengthens U.S. Indonesian Partnership in Sumatra, USNS Mercy, Pacific Partnership Mission Arrive in Bengkulu, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia Panel on Syria Crisis Features Diversity of Voices, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Daniel J. Kritenbrink Discusses U.S.-Indonesia Partnership, COVID-19 Vaccines, and Music in CurioUS Video Podcast, United States and Indonesia Commit to Advance Democracy and Social Justice Globally Through Bali Democracy Forum and Summit for Democracy, Ambassador Kim Shares Role as Ambassador, Hobbies, and Life in America during CurioUS Video Podcast Series, U.S., Indonesia Commence Bilateral Maritime Exercise CARAT Indonesia, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). For specific information on how and where to file, please visit Passport Information at The Determination of Indonesia Nationality Law. Moreover, before obtaining Indonesian citizenship, the foreigner must have stayed in Indonesia for a minimum period of 5 years continuously or 10 years not continuously. In the event that an Indonesian citizen obtains citizenship of another country, the Indonesian citizen must report this event to the Indonesian Government and request revocation of the Indonesian citizenship. (1)A child outside a marriage of a mother who is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia or a child out of a legal marriage, but who has in a case of divorce been assigned to the care of its mother, a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, who follows the nationality of the father, a foreigner, may present a petition to the Minister of Justice in order to acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, if, after, having acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, it possesses no other nationality or states at the same time to have released another nationality according to the procedure stipulated by the legal provisions of the country of origin and/or according to the procedure stipulated by the agreement on the settlement of the bi-nationality between the Republic of Indonesia and the country in question. It is virtually impossible to reschedule the interview and the spouse should be prepared to travel on short notice to the U.S. for the interview, and present evidence of the requirements and supporting evidence noted above at that time. Said statement shall be made within one year after the child has reached the age of 18 to the Pengadilan Negeri or Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at the residence of the child. (2)The statement mentioned in para 1 shall be made to the Pengadilan Negeri or the Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at the residence of the person making such statement. (4)The Minister of Justice fulfils or rejects application for citizenship with the approval of the Cabinet Council. If a DD1278 showing concurrent travel and residence cannot be submitted, then submit: A copy of the USCs travel orders showing length of tour of duty overseas; or, A letter from the USCs Commanding Officer stating the duration of the overseas assignment and verification that the spouse has permission to reside abroad with the USC after naturalization; and. Last Updated: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 13:49 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities. The marriage must be registered in the Civil Registration Office in Indonesia. 26 Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, tablet devices, handheld gaming devices, cameras, and digital watches. Eligibility is not restored to a spouse whose relationship to the USC terminates before the spouses naturalization, even though the spouse subsequently marries another USC. (1)A child who looses its citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia because its father or its mother looses said citizenship, regains the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia after the child has reached the age of 18, if and when it makes a statement as to that effect. In Indonesia, dual citizenship is prohibited for adults older than 18 years of age and/or for married individuals, who must make a choice to keep one citizenship. All of the following documents must be included in the 319(b) application package: In addition to the supporting documents listed above, the following documentation are required: USCIS will send to the spouse a Notice to Appear for the interview after processing the 319(b) application. The statement as to their residence and being in Indonesia is not valid for children who because their father acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia becomes stateless. A spouse cannot be fingerprinted in the U.S. without presenting this official notice. There is no expeditious processing as is offered to passport applicants inside the U.S. This hand-out is not all-inclusive and is meant to provide general guidance, not individual legal advice, and offers no assurance that any applicant is qualified for any benefit. Upon issuance of a N-570 the spouse is eligible to apply for a U.S. passport. Said statement shall be made within 1 year after the children have reached the age of 21 to the Pengadilan Negeri of Representation of the Republic of Indonesia at their residence. Citizenship and Immigration Services for $595.00; Copy of both sides of the spouses Permanent Resident Card (I-551 or greencard), or a copy of the spouses immigrant visa; Two recent color, full-frontal, passport-style photographs on a white background; Two completed fingerprint cards (FD-258), fingerprints taken by any law enforcement official; Copy of spouses birth certificate (with certified English translation if applicable); Copy of marriage certificate between spouse and USCs (with certified English translation if applicable); Copy of the USCs U.S. birth certificate, passport, naturalization certificate, or certificate of citizenship; Proof of termination of any prior marriages (divorce or death certificates) for both the USC and spouse (with certified English translation, if applicable); Completed, signed and dated Notice of Entry of Appearance of Attorney or Representative (G-28), if applicable; A letter addressed to USCIS requesting interview locations and dates; An official letter on letterhead from the U.S. Government agency, public international organization, a firm incorporated in the U.S. (or foreign subsidiary), or religious organization stating the following: The name, title, address, contact information and signature of the author; Affirmation and explanation that the USCs employer is an agency of the U.S. Government, an American firm or corporation engaged in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the U.S. or a subsidiary thereof (an American firm is defined as being at least 51% owned by U.S. citizens), or a religious organization organized as a non-profit entity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; The nature of the employing entitys business, activities, missions, or charitable works; The state under which the employer is organized, the date of incorporation, and that it is extant; The facts of the USCs basis of hire (contract, regular employee, etc.) a.articles 5 and 144 of the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; b.article 89 of the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; a.persons who, based on the legislation and/or treaties and/or regulations prevailing since the August 17, 1945 Proclamation, are already citizens of the Republic of Indonesia; b.persons who at their birth have a legal family relationship with their father, a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, with the understanding that said citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia starts as from the existence of that legal family relationship and that said legal family relationship is created before the persons concerned have reached the age of 18 or before they are married at an earlier age; c.a child born within 300 days after the decease of its father, if said father is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of his death; d.persons whose mother is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia at their birth, if at that time they have no legal family relationship with their father; e.persons whose mother is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia at their birth, if their father has no nationality, or as long as the nationality of the father is unknown; f.those born within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as long as both parents are unknown; g.a child found within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as long as both parents are unknown; h.persons who are born within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, if both parents have no nationality or as long as the nationality of both parents is unknown; i. persons born within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia who have not acquired the nationality of the father or mother at the time of their birth and as long as they do not acquire the nationality of either their father or mother; j. persons who have acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia according to the regulations of this law. Getting Indonesian citizenship is not as difficult as we think when you understand the steps. Since many countries require a passport valid for 6 months for entry, please apply well in advance of your intended travel or passports expiration. (1)A foreign woman married to a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, if and when she makes a statement as to that effect within 1 year after contracting said marriage, except in case when she acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia she possesses still another nationality, in which case the statement may not be made. Please see the Passport Wizard to determine the proper application for your situation. Completed, signed and dated N-400 on which Part 2D Other should be check-marked and INA 319(b) indicated; Personal or cashiers check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars, or U.S. postal money order, payable to U.S. (2)The provision of para 1 is not applicable if said children become stateless with the loss of the citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

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