adb timor leste fact sheet

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Download (Free: 1.76 MB) Pandemic - Covid-19 - Timor-leste Abstract Timor-Leste has made significant progress in state building since its independence in 2002. Toward Sustainable Nation Building. Australia has been at the forefront of international support for Timor-Leste since independence in 2002 and remains Timor-Leste's largest development and security partner. ADB は 1966 年の創設以来、貧困のないアジア・太平洋地域というビジョンの実現に向けて、これまで3,231 億7,000 万ドルの融資に合意しました。. Annual audited project financial statements for sovereign operations provide project financial information prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and audited by an independent certified public accountant. TIMOR-LESTE YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 (1 October 2007 - 30 September 2008) . . In July 2005, parliament unanimously passed a law creating a petroleum fund to effectively manage and invest . Japan International Cooperation Agency in Timor-Leste. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets/Background Notes; Previous Editions of Timor-Leste Background Note; Timor-Leste (10/11/11) . However, while access to essential services (particularly electricity) has vastly improved, key human development indicators remain low. Government Type: Semi-Presidential Republic. . 19/2003, of 8 October (Timor-Leste Ports Tariff Regulation) (Decree Law: 28/2015) kq54e: Law: . Download (Free: 1.76 MB) Reflecting ADB's recent expansion of its green bond framework to include blue bonds for ocean health investments, the newsletter now also reports on blue bond issuances. Find out more about the closure in our Fact Sheet and by visiting the Momentum website which pays tribute to the Timorese achievements and marks the departure of UN peacekeepers. May 2004. International relations. Timor-Leste, more commonly referred to as East Timor, is a maritime country located in Southeast Asia composed of four main islands and sharing a border with Indonesian West Timor. 16 Mar 2022 | Reports. Links to dictionaries and texts written in some of the languages of Timor-Leste and other language and education related resources compiled by Kirsty Gusmao. International Monetary Fund. On 2 May 2 012, the T imorese Financ e Minister and the ADB President signed Timor-Leste's first multilatera l loan agree ment in Manila, f or US$40 million, to fund the costs of upgrading the 29 . ADB Asia Development Bank ANU Australian National University ARD ARD Inc . Timor-Leste became a fully independent republic with a parliamentary form of government on May 20, 2002, following approximately two and a half years under the authority of the UN Transitional . What We Do To address the electricity needs for the anticipated telecommunication advances, Powering ICT will: 1) undertake a political economy analysis of the power and telecom sectors in Timor-Leste; 2) analyze and/or verify the technical capacity of the fiber optic network on EDTL's power transmission system; 3) recommend a reliable backup power . ADB Projects Asian Development Outlook (ADO) Basic Statistics Unknown Server Error An unexpected error occurred. SM Techno MEP & NLP Training Services. The Constitution contains provisions regarding intellectual property. . Government Name: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Contacts Timor-Leste Resident Mission Asian Development Bank Rua Cabo Verde No 16, Posto Administrativo Vera Cruz, Suco Motael, Aldeia Halibur Asian Development Bank, and World Bank. Bylaws were well drafted by the executive committees of the water management cooperative associations. ADB Asia Development Bank ANU Australian National University ARD ARD Inc . It has also contributed and committed $2.11 billion to Special Funds since joining the bank in 1966. In this section, you can view a brief summary of each theme and the data topics it covers; read the full story on key trends, including informative graphics, for each theme; and quickly access a full listing of all indicators associated with each theme . Mercy Corps Timor Leste is seeking to hire a qualified Communication Officer for Resiliensia Diak plus (Good resilience Plus - ReDi+ Program) funded by Bureau Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets) External links. Southeast Asia Rising from the Pandemic. The people of Timor-Leste probably feels less ownership to oil money than if it was his or her "own" hard earned tax contribution. Cook Islands; Fiji Islands; Kiribati; . . The tables in this section show economic, social, and environmental developments across Asia and the Pacific for the eight themes listed below. We maintain a deep and abiding interest in Timor-Leste's future prosperity, and we will continue to reshape our . Asian Development Bank, ''Timor-Leste Fact Sheet.'' Some 205,000 of the estimated 278,000 Timorese aged 15-24 were classed as ''economically inactive'' in 2010, with only 51,000 in paid work. The World Bank's current financing package of $838 million is for investments in water supply, sewerage, public transport, public spaces, urban governance and solid waste management interventions. Timor-Leste country/economy fact sheet [PDF] Joint Communiqué: A new chapter and revitalised partnership Bilateral relations with Timor-Leste As Australia's Foreign Policy White Paper highlights, a strong and prosperous Timor-Leste is of fundamental importance to Australia. Lessons: 1. Bangladesh, 1 Aug 2012. Previous Editions of U.S. News and Events; ADB Institute . Canada has provided $8 billion in capital subscription to ADB as of 31 December 2020. Information on ADB's development assistance to Timor-Leste, economic data and analysis, the latest news and publications, and regional initiatives. Timor-Leste ADB Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ITA)-Independent Completion Report (ICR) [PDF 991kb] There is also the option to download a fact . 1 May 2018. This brief provides a snapshot of skills development issues pertinent in Bangladesh. Briefing Sheet Version 3. Find out more about the closure in our Fact Sheet and by visiting the Momentum website which pays tribute to the Timorese achievements and marks the departure of UN peacekeepers. Having gained independence in 2002 after decades of conflict, the country is now working to build its new democracy with still-nascent institutions, limited human capital, and significant economic and health challenges. In this section, you can view a brief definition of each goal; read the full story on each SDG, including informative graphics and key trends for indicators with available data; and quickly access a full listing of the indicators associated with each SDG. Previous Editions of U.S. The brief is a co-publication of ADB and the International Labour Organization Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. ADB began providing development mechanism covering 2001-2005 and committed more than support at both national facility for a coal mine 2006-2008 to strengthen . (2012, 55pp) Description. Information campaigns through subproject fact sheets as part of the member education program, and the project newsletter proved more successful than the nongovernment organization facilitator. ダウンロード (Free: 872.85 KB) このADBファクトシート . July 18, 2013 - ADB Helps Timor-Leste Get Better Access to Safe, Reliable Water Asian Development Bank; July 18, 2013 - USAID-Rotary International - WASH Sustainability . Asian Development Bank and Vanuatu: Fact Sheet | Asian Development Bank With employees from more than 60 countries, ADB is a place of real diversity. Previous Editions of U.S. ADB is currently preparing the Country Partnership Strategy for 2023-2027, which support Timor-Leste's pandemic recovery and inclusive development with focus on climate-resilient infrastructure and services and development of an environment conducive for economic diversification. ADB Perceptions Survey: Multinational Survey of Stakeholders 2012 fact sheet Author: Asian Development Bank Subject: The Asian Development Bank's primary mission is to foster growth and cooperation among countries in the Asia . Apr 2018. Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) Profile: Geography and People, History, . Australia's investment in Timor-Leste np np Timor-Leste's investment in Australia 14 0 Timor-Leste's global merchandise trade relationships Timor-Leste's principal export destinations, 2018 1 Indonesia 49.4% 2 United States 15.7% 3 China 11.5% 6 Australia 1.7% Timor-Leste's principal import sources, 2018 1 China 22.2% 2 Singapore 17.7% 3 Hong . Timor-Leste became an independent nation on May 20, 2002, following more than four hundred years of Portuguese colonization, twenty-four years of Indonesian occupation, and three years of United Nations transitional administration. (2012, 55pp) Description. Dec 2017. Select a country, economy or region to find embassies, country briefs, economic fact sheets, trade agreements, aid programs, information on sanctions and more. Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies. Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Timor Leste -ZRBS: 19/25323: POLITICAL-ECONOMIC -INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS - Asian Development Bank (ADB . September 27, 2003. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprising 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Asia Development Bank Scholarship is a Prestigious Scholarship Program. This article was originally published in the ADB and Timor-Leste: Fact Sheet. Timor-Leste maintains an embassy in the United States at 4201 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008 (telephone: 202-966-3202). MPA in Timor-Leste has an estimated area of 7 km 2 in 2010 . 01 Dec 2021 | Reports. Asian Development Bank (ADB) Timor-Leste joined the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on July 24, 2002. Australia is proud to have been Timor-Leste's primary development partner since independence. A variety of programs is obtainable. Timor-Leste was originally a Portuguese […] Asian Development Bank Institute. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets/Background Notes; Previous Editions of Timor-Leste Background Note; Timor-Leste (07/09) . The diplomatic post of United States Ambassador to East Timor (now Timor-Leste) was created after the formalization of the independence of Timor-Leste from Indonesia on May 20 . The low use of contraceptives and the traditional preference for large families is keeping fertility elevated. This document dated 5 May 2022 is provided for the ADB project 45094-001 in Timor-Leste. Country-Fact-Sheets.aspx . Publication | 2021年7月. Islands, Timor-Leste 55 Regional non-borrowing Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore 130 Non-regional non-borrowing Canada, France, Germany, . Asian Development Bank and Tonga: Fact Sheet. Fact sheet - aqua white background . Asian Development Bank. The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La'o Hamutuk) Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu Rua dos Martires da Patria, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste P.O. This document is an independent evaluation of an AusAID-ADB infrastructure program in Timor-Leste. . Feb 2018. Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides concise information on ADB's operations in the country and contact information. Planning Commission of Timor-Leste, National Development Plan, Timor-Leste, Dili, May 2002. Lavergne, Réal and Anneli Alba, CIDA Primer on Program-Based Approaches. the expenditures for the ARAEOA project will be recognized as liabilities in the government's balance sheet . Timor-Leste (2009), Country Profile Fact Sheets, in: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. The U.S. Peace Corps has operated in Timor-Leste since 2002, but it suspended operations in May 2006 due to the . 1st Amendment to Decree-Law no. Vanuatu, Country Profile Fact Sheets, in: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, 2010 [online], Updated 1 May 2010, . 日本は ADB の設立当初からの加盟国です。. Australia: 2017 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Australia. We will also deepen our engagement with the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. Apr 2018. ADB Timor-Leste . Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets/Background Notes . The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste completed its mandate on 31 December 2012. The United States established diplomatic relations with Timor-Leste that same day. These investments are expected to benefit 5.6 million people in Karachi, equivalent to a third of its population. The bank admits the members of the United Nations Economic and Social . The United States is committed to helping Timor-Leste realize its development goals and emerge as a strong, regional partner. The U.S. is represented in country by Ambassador Kathleen Fitzpatrick; other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department's Key Officers List. However, like . (U.S. TIMOR-LESTE YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 (1 October 2007 - 30 September 2008) . Bangladesh, 1 Aug 2012 Lessons: 1. Nonprofit Organization. The review focused on answering seven key review questions about . Project logo, fact sheets, theme song, branded staff uniforms, promotional materials, and 6-minute promotional video. Similarly, ADB concessional loans are taken out over a 24 or 32 year period with an initial eight year 'grace' period. Branchless Banking in Timor-­‐Leste - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Australia and Timor-Leste are close neighbours, with a shared history and strong people-to-people links. Brochures and Flyers | 28 Apr 2022 Asian Development Bank and Timor-Leste: Fact Sheet View fact sheet U.S.-Timor-Leste Relations U.S. Assistance to Timor-Leste Bilateral Economic Relations U.S.-Timor-Leste Relations Timor-Leste became an independent nation in 2002, following over four hundred years of Portuguese colonization, twenty-four years of Indonesian occupation, and three years of United Nations transitional administration. ADB Japan Funds. Bylaws were well drafted by the executive committees of the water management cooperative associations. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets/Background Notes; Previous Editions of Timor-Leste Background Note; Timor-Leste (04/08) . ADB supports Timor-Leste in strengthening its basic infrastructure and services and building a sound country system as it moves to expand its assistance to other sectors. Asian Development Bank and Timor-Leste: Fact Sheet. Asian Development Bank and Australia: Fact Sheet. [Main text, para. Asian Development Bank. The role of this working group is to regulate all activities including programs and projects in the CTI-CFF . The CTI-CFF Seascape Working Group is a working group developed by the six (6) Member Countries of Coral Triangle to help implement Goal 1 of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action, Priority Seascapes Designated and Effectively Managed. . Development Partners Applaud Government's Openness and Cooperation in Face of Challenges. Australia and Timor-Leste plan to sign a new Development Partnership Arrangement in 2020-21. . In September 2021, ADB completed a groundbreaking dual-tranche Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar blue bonds issuance worth a total of $300 million. Timor-Leste: By the Numbers Economics People Poverty The latest selected data on Timor-Leste's economy, poverty and socioeconomic development, and cumulative ADB assistance. In Timor-Leste, relatively few people pay taxes and most of the budget is financed by oil money. U.S. development assistance is delivered through U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) governance, health, and agricultural programs, year-round rotations . Constitution: Adopted: 2002; Recognizes Timor-Leste as an independent republic after centuries of Portuguese colonization from the 16th century. Project logo, fact sheets, theme song, branded staff uniforms, promotional materials, and 6-minute promotional video. the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Government of Timor-Leste has welcomed foreign investment and business development opportunities since gaining independence in 2002. . The Asia Development Bank ADB Scholarships Awards Absolutely-Funded 140 scholarships yearly to worldwide students. ujsgb: Publication: Information campaigns through subproject fact sheets as part of the member education program, and the project newsletter proved more successful than the nongovernment organization facilitator. [Democratic] Republic of Timor-Leste: 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Timor-Leste. Community College. To date, there has been no lending to the country. Tonga: 2017 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and the Staff Report for Tonga. Global security. The Asian Development Bank's Annual Report 2006 presents the year's activities, focusing on results and how ADB is improving lives in the Asia and Pacific region. Information campaigns through subproject fact sheets as part of the member education program, and the project newsletter proved more successful than the nongovernment organization facilitator. The U.S. has a significant bilateral development assistance program and is also a major donor member to a number of multilateral agencies active in Timor-Leste such as the United Nations, Asian Development Bank, and World Bank. Timor-LesTe ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK MEMBER FACT SHEET Timor-Leste: 2021 Commitments ($ million)a Previous Editions of U.S. This role guides planning, coordination, management and . Asian Development Bank: Founded in 1966, its headquarters are in Manila, Philippines. Updated yearly, this ADB Fact Sheet provides concise . Fact Sheets Fact Sheets These quick reference Fact Sheets summarize ADB's partnerships with its members. Financial Service. The Review team evaluated the Workforce Development Program Timor-Leste and recommended strategic investment approaches and priorities that will inform design of the future workforce development program scheduled to commence in 2019. Engineering Service. While Timor-Leste's total fertility rate (TFR) - the average number of births per woman - decreased significantly from over 7 in the early 2000s, it remains high at 4.3 in 2021 and will probably continue to decline slowly. Timor-Leste; Viet Nam; The Pacific. Author: ADB and ILO Publishing Date: 2016 Category: Information Material ADB and ILO - 2016. Press Release, Timor-Leste and Development Partners Meeting, 3-5 December 2003, Timor-Leste: 2003. International Monetary Fund. Analysis and commentary on Timor-Leste. the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Jan 2018. more . The Coral Triangle Support Partnership requested the international LMMA Network to visit Timor-Leste to encourage coastal and small island management. An independent evaluation of an AusAID-ADB infrastructure program in Timor-Leste. Jun 2016. Fact sheets for countries and regions; . The low use of contraceptives and the traditional preference for … Timor-Leste: Country Partnership Strategy (2016-2020) Asian Development Bank. Dili Institute of Technology - downloadable books and course announcements to learn Tetum. Loans to poorer countries like Timor-Leste are repaid over 40 years and carry an annual 0.75% 'service' charge. Fact Sheet: Advice and Training on Martine Related Industry . 6. Timor-Leste - The World Factbook - CIA While Timor-Leste's totalfertility rate (TFR) - the average number of births per woman - decreased significantly from over 7 in the early 2000s, it remains high at 4.3 in 2021 and will probably continue to decline slowly. U.S. assistance focuses on . They provide key facts and figures, an overview of activities and future directions, and are updated each year. This work was funded by the Asian Development Bank . Apr 2016. Branchless Banking in Timor-­‐Leste: Opportunities and Challenges Briefing by Erik Aelbers, ADB Private Sector Development Inititaive, for representatives of the Government of Timor-Leste -­‐ June 2013 The position of Communications Manager will be responsible for spearheading strategic communications and public engagement initiatives in support of the function's mandate to build and protect corporate reputation, in alignment with the national objectives of World Vision Timor-Leste. This document is an independent evaluation of an AusAID-ADB infrastructure program in Timor-Leste. In July 2005, parliament unanimously passed a law creating a petroleum fund to effectively manage and invest . Timor-Leste is located in Southeast Asia, on the southernmost edge of the Indonesian archipelago, northwest of Australia. An independent evaluation of an AusAID-ADB infrastructure program in Timor-Leste. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330 International Monetary Fund. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets/Background Notes; Previous Editions of Timor-Leste Background Note; Timor-Leste (04/08) . . Timor-Leste Transparency and Accountability performance Index Period Rank Score Revenue Transparency 2010 12/40 70.5 Corruption Perceptions 2011 143/183 2.4/10 Judicial Independence 2010-2012 86/142 3.3/7 Rule of Law 2010 10% -1.2 Open Budget 2010 Minimal 34 Voice & Accountability 2010 49% 0.02 Control of Corruption 2010 18% 0.95 Human . the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Australia: Statement on Monetary Policy, February 2018. ADB Timor-Leste. GEF COUNTRY FACTSHEET TIMOR LESTE 1 Official Use COUNTRY DATA Income: LMIC LDC: Yes SID: Yes Natl dialogue in GEF-7: No Operational Focal Point: Mr. Joao Carlos Soares . Moreover, up to 70% of the entire national work force is considered ''underemployed.'' See Secre- 60(i)] Timor-Leste ADB Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ITA)-Independent Completion Report (ICR) [PDF 991kb] Canadian International Development Agency. The country is fairly small in terms of geographical size, only covering an area of 5,7432 square miles (14,874 kilometers squared.) Apr 17, 2017 - WHO Trachoma Fact sheet, April 2017 Sanitation Updates; Apr 13, 2017 - Ghaziabad administration launches 'Swachhtagrah' app to monitor open defecation . . With the Asia Development Bank Scholarship Program, you may further your study at any of the 25 universities in 9 nations. The program objectives include 1) Effectively prepare for, mitigate, and adapt to . Bylaws were well drafted by the executive committees of the water management cooperative associations. During this visit, three sites—Tutuala, Batugade, and Atauro Island—were invited to develop LMMA activities in 2010 . Colonel William Nortey, UNITAR trainer, facilitating the group discussion on available data on small arms and light weapons and gender issues in Timor-Leste, and how these data can be cross analyzed.

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adb timor leste fact sheet