The entire history of asceticism proves this to be only too true. Just make sure that in constructing simple sentences longer, always see to it that it only has one independent clause. E.M. Forster -- A Room With A View. Examples of Ascetic in a sentence. But the rule was moral and academical, not cloistral or ascetic. Monks are usually ascetic. But asceticism was no feature of the original scheme. 0. simple. How to use "ascetic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi. It is who or what is doing the action in the sentence (the verb). Nor is asceticism a true road of life. In his teens, Max ran away to California, where he met Teschlock, a charismatic ascetic and guru renowned among a small group of young followers. Asoka spread Buddhism by sending missionaries on religious missions to spread the word. You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with ascetic. 1. Ascetic: Greek translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases On Mount Athos he lived an ascetic life in isolation near the Great Lavra. "Falsehood is a perennial spring". In the early church, one who devoted himself to a solitary and contemplative life, characterized by devotion, extreme self-denial, and self-mortification; a hermit; a recluse; hence, one who practices extreme rigor and self-denial in religious things. ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. 4. 20 examples of simple sentences of ascetic lifestyle. a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction. formal relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure Oxyrinchus, ascetic life in the city of, ii. Marabouts normally dress in traditional West African robes and live a simple, ascetic life. 7. 10. its practitioners focus on personal sacrifice, hoping that their ideals and Asceticism will spread like a religion. It inculcated universal asceticism and social leveling in its crudest form. . Edmund Burke. ; He spent time as an ascetic, focusing on practical asceticism. But the ascetic on the cross is a God for the sick and aged. To listen to the pronunciation of each sentence, click on button in front of it. Top Words . 17 Related Question Answers Found . First you write a bit of the sentence then you write pakistan and then you write the last bit of the sentence. ; The nuns live in ascetic quarters as well as elegant flats. ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. Bertrand Russell. "A herbaceous perennial of the lily family". rigorous. These examples are all simple sentences, despite their length: The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic dog food. Here's an example. Always focus on the learning on sentences with ascetic lifestyle We believe you will easily learn to write and use the word ascetic lifestyle in a sentence. How do you use the word ascetic in a sentence? Abdalaziz did his best to imitate his grandfather Omar in all things, and especially in maintaining the simple manner of life of the early Moslems. It was these that asceticism evoked. Record yourself saying 'asceticism' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. monkish. He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired. The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church, by Henry C. Lea This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United Stat The other was the way of asceticism and meditation which catered to its love of speculation and its urge towards the realisation of truth .दूसरा मार्ग था , तप और साधना का जिसके द्वारा कल्पनामय प्रेम . 1 : practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline an ascetic monk an ascetic diet. St. Poemen and his six brothers had all deserted their mother to cultivate the perfections of an ascetic life. noun. 20 examples of simple sentences of ascetic. 10. Asceticism is the practice of self-denial in an attempt to draw closer to God. 2. not all proponents of simple living are Ascetic s. 0. Synonyms: monastic, monkish, austere… Antonyms: easy, easygoing, laid-back… Find the right word. severe. . This should not occlude the fact that the UK-US partnership in world war II was immensely successful, and as close as any other such partnership; for example those of world war I, and that this was ; During a journey through Gaul and the provinces of the Rhine and Moselle he seems to have formed the fixed resolve to devote himself to theology and an ascetic life. . Home All Words Top 50 Top 100 Top 200. The ascetic modernists' rejection of history in order to create a visionary brave New World was clearly incompatible with the historic pub. Ascetic can be a noun: a person with incredible self-discipline and the ability to deprive herself, or an adjective that describes such a people or their lifestyle. "Despite recent improvement, it remained a perennial . Generally, it relates to beauty and art and the appreciation of art. A simple sentence could have compound subjects and compound verbs. . ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. All "ascetic" example sentences below (+ Audio) are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. In A (1) Such a goal could be ascetic spiritual yogic or any other. Tag Archives: ascetic sample sentences. Definition of Ascetic. Ascetic comes from "askētikos," a Greek adjective meaning "laborious," and ultimately traces back to the Greek verb askein, which means "exercise" or "work." There aren't many other English words from "askein," but there's no dearth of synonyms for "Ascetic."Ascetic, Ask, Adjective, And, Askein, Aren ascetic = someone who practices self-denial. Example sentences for "ascetic" in popular movie and book plots. When Gregory was a monk, he lived an ascetic lifestyle that excluded worldly goods. For all his culture, Cecil was an ascetic at heart, and nothing in his love became him like the leaving of it. How to use Ascetic in a sentence as an adjective. There are adherents to ascetic life ". ascetic = someone who practices self-denial. hair-shirt. First example: Like a wise ascetic, he was scrutinizing us, two skinny creatures holding hands. a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from the normal . I'm an ascetic, she's an ascetic, we're all ascetics here. ; Within the unit, a frugal and ascetic lifestyle was enforced. About US . 2 : austere in . One such situation might lead you to ask is "aesthetic," the same as "ascetic.". Ascetic can be a noun: . Orthodox voices counteract the sinful human tendency to apotheosize human striving with calls for wisdom and asceticism. Sentences with word «asceticism» (see phrases) Asceticism (; from the Greek: ἄσκησις áskesis, "exercise, training") is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Record yourself saying 'asceticism' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. Ascetic: Malay translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases Wouldn't you like to be an ascetic, too? 18 related questions found. The result can be monastically bare, as though he is looking for whatever lies on the other side of asceticism. a person who leads an austerely simple life, . Examples of Ascetic in a sentence. E.M. Forster -- A Room With A View. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences . ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, usually for spiritual reasons. Notes on the NHS Pay Scales . Synonyms: ascetical Noun: ascetic Meaning: Someone who . ascetic: [adjective] practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline. 130. The four types of sentences are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The hermit followed an ascetic life - style. you are an ascetic, a monk, a hermit! Sentence Examples. 02 August 2021: New rates for 2021-2022 added to reflect the pay rise of 3%. Search: Two Pronunciation Words. monklike. Lexicographically close words: ascertainable; ascertained; ascertaining; ascertainment; ascertains; ascetical; asceticism; ascetics; asci; ascidia This strange, exotic, ascetic view was adopted by some philosophers, and especially by the Pythagoreans, and so transmitted to Plato. 3. How To Use "ascetic" In A Sentence? John saw a dog. When abstinence is the only choice, an ascetic frame of mind comes easy. It's an endemic problem in our field to belittle the arts, or to regard the total abandonment of the arts as some sort of ascetic virtue. Extremely rigid in self-denial and devotions; austere; severe. Lexicographically close words: ascertainable; ascertained; ascertaining; ascertainment; ascertains; ascetical; asceticism; ascetics; asci; ascidia This strange, exotic, ascetic view was adopted by some philosophers, and especially by the Pythagoreans, and so transmitted to Plato. Neither he nor Mr. Roosevelt liked asceticism or celibacy. Buddhists live an ascetic lifestyle, are peaceful and do not believe in any "god-like being". . Although his heroes are for the most part Sufis and Ascetic s, he also introduces stories from historical . 01 April 2022: New NHS payscales for 2022/23 added. Nun /ˈn?n Simple sentences are direct, easy to understand, and clear about . 11 examples: Fulbe herdsmen accept the ascetic lifestyle that their form of pastoralism… The monks lived a very ascetic life. ; One can find a parallel for this intellectually ascetic creature only in the old martyrs. The strivings after ascetic peace which filled his adolescence had been laid aside; with the breaking of his faith in the watchful solicitude of Jesus, natural impulses had been set free. 26. she has never been close to her Ascetic, workaholic father. Because Connie loved sugary foods, she found it . by BuildMyVocab. Ascetic can be a noun: a person with incredible self-discipline and the ability to deprive herself, or an adjective that describes such a people or their lifestyle. you are an ascetic, a monk, a hermit! Fyodor Dostoyevsky -- Crime and Punishment. There are 4 example sentences for asceticism. (This differs from most American accents, in which these words are pronounced with the short-a in cat There are many words in the English language that are spelled differently, but sound the same Before moving to sounds, let us identify the symbols that A man has been recorded spending more than three hours to pronounce what is supposedly the longest word in . He was, however, born in the midst of wealth; thus frugality became asceticism, and in so far as he demanded the same rigour from his relatives, he grew unjust and caused uneasiness and discontent. Define ascetic. Think about who benefits from the CEO living an ascetic lifestyle and that then being a "cap" on everyone below them. The most voted sentence example for ascetic is Here he lived a quiet if not a. ; His ambition was now directed to an ascetic life, in which his personal . Source: Tabletop Game / Mage: The Awakening Ascetic Aesthetic: The ADVENT-administered city centres use this, with everything being squeaky clean alongside solid colours and simple geometry being used pretty much everywhere. On the other hand, while "ascetic" can also function as an adjective and noun, it is different. Examples: Jack and Jill went up to . In another great house, conducted on strictly economical lines, it was said that the very numerous family were reared exclusively on rabbits and garden-stuff, and that their enfeebled constitutions and dismal . asceticism sentences in Hindi. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples When Gregory was a monk, he lived an ascetic lifestyle that excluded worldly goods. I quickly put on my red winter jacket, black snow pants, waterproof boots, homemade mittens, and handknit scarf. They were vegetarians, practiced non-violence, and believed in reincarnation and karma. 22. their fasts are more rigid, and their other Ascetic exercises stricter. A simple sentence is a type of sentence. Home; Words; ascetic; ascetic in A Sentence. English words and Examples of Usage use "occlude" in a sentence Justice Holmes suggested that the speech had a "natural tendency" to occlude the draft. ; And seeing her in the lone forest, that ascetic of exceeding effulgence was inspired with desire. You live the life of an Ascetic monk. Example sentences for "ascetic" in popular movie and book plots. Speusippus took the ascetic view that the good is a perfect condition of neutrality between two contrary evils . The ascetic man gave away his fortune and moved into a tiny one-bedroom apartment. The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that a sentence is about (the noun). No ascetic monk, no curled cavalier, looks down from the pedestal. Top 1000 Words Top 2000 Words TOEFL Words IELTS Words GMAT Words GRE Words SAT Words. Ascetic meaning. Example sentences with the word ascetic. The first four gurus led simple ascetic lives and were regardless of wordly affairs. Synonyms: ascetical, austere, Spartan, abstemious Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline. 9. How to use ascetic in a sentence. If there is more than one noun in a sentence, ask yourself which one is completing the action. "But in all fairness, Ottawa is a perennial powerhouse". 10. a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from the normal . Asceticism is defined as personal, aiming at self-effacement before the divine, and encompasses strict . Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science. . 23. an early christian Ascetic who lived on top of high pillars. "Folly is perennial and yet the human race has survived". Sentences with word «ascetic» (see phrases) They were often considered artistic apostasy, blatant betrayals of his ascetic striped paintings of the 1960s, . 12. early christian Asceticism: rising and . 1. Saint and sinner, ascetic and worldling, united in its practice. You may also like metaphor examples. 8. Simon uses the metaphors of monasticism and asceticism to suggest that it is dangerous to load XML too heavily with baggage that does not suit its simple, textual roots. 4. Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science. In the early church, one who devoted himself to a solitary and contemplative life, characterized by devotion, extreme self-denial, and self-mortification; a hermit; a recluse; hence, one who practices extreme rigor and self-denial in religious things. Speusippus took the ascetic view that the good is a perfect condition of neutrality between two contrary evils . Gandhi himself adopted a simple, ascetic way of life, dressing only in a loincloth of handwoven cloth and sandals. John is the subject of this simple sentence. How to use "ascetic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi. Contact Us Company Cookie Policy Terms & Conditions. The Maurya Empire made Buddhism their official religion. Click for more examples 1. Sentence example with the word 'ascetic' ascetic abbacomes, candid, dull, homely, miserly, pillar saint, recompensing, scanty, slim, sworn off Definition adj. The Origin of Asceticism. ; Hence the ascetic ideal of rooting out the passions altogether is fundamentally wrong. Proper usage of ascetic in context. Clauses are the building blocks for sentences, and independent clauses work on their own. simple. 56. Top Extremely rigid in self-denial and devotions; austere; severe. ascetic = someone who practices self-denial. Others regarded the whole of the material world as wicked and practiced a rigorous asceticism to punish the flesh. 9. In that guise he appears in seated meditation, living a life of simple asceticism on sacred Mount . The ascetic man gave away his fortune and moved into a tiny one-bedroom apartment. Gandhi himself adopted a simple, ascetic way of life, dressing only in a loincloth of handwoven cloth and sandals. monastic. You seem to have found a balance between absolute asceticism and utter hedonism. What is asceticism in simple words? spartan. 6. For all his culture, Cecil was an ascetic at heart, and nothing in his love became him like the leaving of it. 24. her sister is extrovert and funloving, while she is Ascetic and strict. Ascetic: relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure. 9. her opposed the Asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science. He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Asceticism | Asceticism Sentence. Simple sentences are not limited to one or five words because it can go beyond that. Ascetic definition: An ascetic person has a way of life that is simple and strict , usually because of their. ; Of the books on the Buddhist and the Jain ascetic Amirtasagara. 2. The elegance of his work is ascetic as well as esthetic. Examples of ascetic in a sentence. "Aesthetic" can function as a noun or an adjective in a sentence. 25. stalin, the Ascetic bolshevik never gave his family any power.
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