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Breathe and release your stress. Keep a proper garbage pail next to the changing station so that you can lift the lid open with your foot. Checklist for What to Do Before Your Baby Comes Drink more water - hydration during pregnancy is so important. Set-up a snack basket in your pantry or a lower bin in your fridge so your kids can easily help themselves to a snack if you're with the baby and can't get up right away. Set up the crib or Pack n' Play. 8. Taking the time to enjoy quality time with your loved ones can be an excellent way to get ready for the baby to arrive. From the moment you become a mother your life will change forever. For now, begin to gather clothes that fit you loose or are a little larger. Have extra garbage bags ready at the garbage can. Before the baby arrives you should have . As a matter of fact many pregnancy & postpartum issues can arise due to dehydration so make sure and stay on top of your water consumption. 7. Bibs, burp cloths, and a few baby blankets. Your baby will outgrow most of her clothes much before you can get a chance to use them. As is the theme, you'll probably want most of this done before 36 weeks. ! 30) Pay Bills or Set Up Auto-pay. Newborn-sized diapers and sensitive-skin wipes. Deep Clean Kitchen before Baby Arrives. Take any help you can get! The last thing you need to be doing postpartum (or worse - during labor!) Neither is loud noise or big crowds of people. Get your hair done What once was routine, often becomes a luxury. 6. 1. Wash up some of your baby clothes you have - do up to 3 months old. Save for maternity leave Are you expecting a pay cut during maternity leave, or unpaid bonding time after the baby is born? 16 Things to do before baby arrives checklist 1. $50 $100+/month. For example, soft nappies or diapers and good hand sanitizers are things you'll be needing every few hours during the first few months after the baby's birth. 1 - Make a master list - This may seem obvious, but find one place - be it a note book, or a digital file, or somewhere on your phone. One to two bottles and a can of formula (just in case) Onesies, sleepers, and infant . Before baby comes, it's handy to be ready with: Basic health supplies, such as an infant thermometer, bulb syringe, and baby soap. Trust me, your family (and your own stomach) will later thank you! Pre-wash baby clothes- If you have bought the baby clothes already, it is better to wash them and keep them dry. 16. Take A Family Vacation This one is best done early in your second pregnancy before it becomes too difficult or dangerous for you to travel for extended periods . Paper towels, paper plates and Kleenex Thank You notes and stamps Batteries Ice cubes (you're going to enjoy ice-cold water) Simple Ways to Prepare for Baby To keep things simple, I've pared this list down to the things that will seriously make life with your new baby easier and more comfortable. Plan Your Birth Announcement Once your new addition arrives, you may want to send out birth announcements. Things to do before Your Baby Arrives - The Ultimate Newborn Checklist. It is simply not enough just to BUY the seat or the stroller system, you need to properly install it in the car as well. Do Some Low-Level Baby-Proofing. Use a gentle, scent-free detergent for the extra sensitive skin of your baby. Set up auto-pays for bills with due dates right around your expected due date. 2. Catch some live music Let's face it. Baby gearstroller, car seats, etc. Particularly during the newborn phase, you may find once routine tasks difficult due to either lack of time, lack of energy or both. Ok, let's dive into the the bulk of your baby prep assignmentthings to do before the baby comes. Smile for the camera If you're planning to have a maternity photo shoot, the second or third trimester is a great time. Things to do before the baby arrives a checklist for expecting parents. Before your baby is born, take care of any appointments you can. Take Parenting Classes. . You probably won't have all your big furniture until later, but you can pick out your paint and color scheme, any theme you want, and small details anytime you like. is worrying about remembering to pay bills. Prepare All the Baby Gear. Lots of people want their new baby to sleep in a bassinet within their room for your first couple of months, but it will be a better idea to go ahead and get the nursery set up a few weeks before your newborn baby arrives. Have the baby monitor tested and ready, next to the crib/bassinet and your nightstand. Doing something creative makes us feel good and also brings out anxiety from our bodies. Set Up Nursery. Some soft and comfortable clothes are also essential but not in abundance. $1,000 $1,500+ Nursery and home . This is an "anytime during pregnancy" to-do. To make sure you don't miss anything leading up to the birth, we have created a pregnancy checklist of all the things to do before your baby comes and parenting begins. A sterilizer for pacifiers and bottles for use during the baby's first year. Listen to some amazing music that will uplift your souls. Don't hold yourself back and don't beat yourself down. 10 of 27 Slip Into. 11 Finish Your Birth Preparations In the early stages of pregnancy, you won't need maternity clothes just yet. . Have a good stash of healthy, easy-to-grab foods for you (and any kiddos) like nuts, veggies, fruit, cheese sticks and granola bars. 18 A Couple's Massage is always a good choice Via: YouTube This is probably my first choice. Plan a menu around teeny, tiny items: baby-back ribs or baby lamb chops, roasted baby carrots and peas, and those petits fours you're always drooling over at French bakeries. Prenatal yoga, meditation, and deep breathing have been known to reduce labor pains and can help you minimize those common anxieties and worries about giving birth and the big changes that lie ahead. Clean your glass mirror with the vinegar-water mixture and wipe it with old newspaper. 6. This can decrease the risk by up to 50 percent! Now's the opportunity to sleep as much as you can. I mean, let's be real - nothing beats a massage! 10. A gentle laxative will probably be handy, and a nice trick is to get some rubber gloves to fill with ice to apply to sore spots. Think about laundry detergent for you and the baby, cleaning supplies, paper towels, trash bags, deodorant, lotion, and toilet paper. Mini-golf is a fun activity that will surely bring you and your partner closer together before the baby comes, even if neither of you is any good at it. Step 1 - Prepping The Home The Nursery Setting up the nursery can be such a rewarding experience for any mom or dad, especially first-timers. Just put everything you think of on this list that comes up that you want to/need to do or get. Compile a list of candidates ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, neighbours, coworkers with kids, your obstetrician, midwife or insurance company. There are absolutely zero reasons for a parent to kill themselves baby-proofing every room before a kid . One-time baby expenses. This is a MUST! Clean exhaust fan with vacuum and wash HVAC vent cover with soap and water. Stock up on diapers, wipes, burp cloths, and swaddling blankets. Again, it's easier to cross these items from your to-do list when it's just you! Setup the Nursery. I'll take it over mini-golf any day. Install the car seat The hospital will not let you leave without a car seat. Slippers (a must) Going home outfit (comfy clothes) Comfy shoes (for you to walk around in while getting labor moving) Flip flops (for in the hospital shower) Water bottle Snacks Toiletries (hairbrush, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, Bag for dirty laundry Nursing pads Every car seat is different, but here is a basic video explaining how to install a basic car seat. They'll help tide you over until you outgrow them into maternity clothes. Pay attention to anti-colic ones to reduce the amount of air the baby swallows while feeding. In the month leading up to Baby's arrival, simply double the meals you already plan on making and freeze the extra for a future "one of those days." Or make it a social event and devote a weekend to bulk cooking with friends. Make freezer meals . Go on dates, spa, get a massage, dance if you may, get a manicure, pedicure, makeup, dress up before the baby arrives. SLEEP. Most bars and clubs are not exactly baby friendly. To help you prepare for baby, here are 10 things to do before you give birth that will help you savor those precious, fleeting newborn moments. Then, when it comes time to make a bone-weary post-baby meal, it's just a matter of preheating the oven and setting the timer or popping some Tupperware in the microwave. Set Up The Sleeping Area Prepare where your baby will sleep now so you can conk out with your bundle of joy later. Use your nesting instinct to set up files (for bill paying, recipes, or whatever else could use organization), clean storage areas, and put away things like old photographs. Clothing, first aid, toys & books, and misc. Get maternity clothes. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that a baby sleeps in their parents' bedroom for at least, at a minimum, the first six months to help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). For example, schedule a dental checkup, an eye exam, or a haircut. Toward the end of . Before baby comes, it's handy to be ready with: Basic health supplies, such as an infant thermometer, bulb syringe, and baby soap Bibs, burp cloths, and a few baby blankets Newborn-sized diapers and sensitive-skin wipes One to two bottles and a can of formula (just in case) Onesies, sleepers, and infant-sized hats . 17 Things To Do Before Baby Arrives 1. 8. Next clean vanity, faucet, toilet with natural all-purpose cleaner (do not use spray) or soap and water. Because if you can leave the store without a package of diapers, wipes or baby food once you become a parent, it will be a legit miracle. STOCK YOUR FREEZER! Check out these things to do before the baby arrives. Now might be a good time to ask friends and family for help for the first week or two, especially if your partner won't be able to be around. 20. 21. Ask For Help. Baby bottles: 6 pcs. You'd be a mess once the baby arrives anyway. What are the most important things to do before baby arrives? Don't go too hard on yourself, don't skip meals or water. Now is the time to begin saving for those several weeks or months when you're not working. Eat half and freeze the rest. The week before your due date (or whenever you can swing it while you're still pregnant), make a date to spend an hour there, shopping for cute shirts, throw pillows and sheet sets all for you. Prepare for Postpartum- Start looking for a paediatrician about 3 months before you're due. Finally, take care of any bills a week or two before your due date. Stock up . 2. It is a good kind of chaos, though, and one to look forward to. You can skip stockpiling the fabric softener unless you want a clumpy mess in your washing machine. Healthy snacks like nuts, granola bars, chocolate, and jerky Your hospital bag should be ready to go around 36 weeks. Here are things to do before the baby arrives, a checklist of fun activities and practical tasks: 1. What to to before baby arrives? The bottles should be made from quality materials that can withstand high temperatures.

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